Bianca's Book Blog
Beach Read by Emily Henry


Dec 28, 2021

Beach Read by Emily Henry

Rating: 5/5

I went into this book with high expectations and damn were those expectations met. I really loved this love story. I have read Emily Henry's previous book People We Meet on Vacation and I absolutely loved it. Emily's writing does not disappoint in her second book since she is able to keep you engaged the whole time and there is never a dull moment. I'm a sucker for romance books and that's what this was except with a twist that made it that much better. This book follows our main character January, who is a romance writer who is in a slump since her life hit rock bottom and she no longer imagines happily ever afters. The love interest is Augustus who is an aclamied author of literary fiction and has never written a happily ever after ever in his life. This story is about their journey together as they go through their writing slumps together and helping each other through each other's problems even though they view the world differently. I think Henry does such a great job of writing realistic characters and I liked how this romance novel had more depth to it. I enjoyed how the main character had more to her than just a failed love life. I appreciate how it addresses issues like how when women write fiction it is deemed as women's literature and it's not as respected even though they are just as a skilled author. I liked how the two characters were polar opposites and it was quite the cute trope that they lived in opposite houses from each other I must say. The plot for this book had a really great overarching story and I enjoyed how both characters learned stuff from each other it was super cute and made my heart melt. As the title says, this is a great quick romance book that's great to read at the beach and stands out from others since it has more depth but still keeps things a little light so it's an uplifting read. I would recommend this book to anyone who is looking for a cute summer romance novel and likes the opposite attracts trope! Now do your self a favour and try reading this book cause it will definitely put a smile on your face.



Hey there, I'm a computer science student at the University of Guelph and I created this website with React, GraphCMS, Javascript and Tailwind/CSS. I created this book blog because I like to code and read and I wanted to share my reviews with those who share similar interests!

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